Helping marriages last.
The Marriage Knot is a marital intensive designed to train couples to communicate and connect with one another. When two people get married they are expected to understand and love one another for the rest of their lives. What is not usually considered is the fact that there is no training to keep this relationship real and authentic throughout life. We provide training that helps couples learn how to connect through learning how to communicate with each other. Couples will learn to communicate, and create a connection that has not happened before.
Those in a Marital Crisis
The Marriage Knot Intensive is a three day program (Thursday-Saturday) that covers all of our material in a short amount of time to better equip couples to immediately begin to work together, whether as newlyweds, family transitions, or within martial crisis.
Strengthening the Marital Relationship
Marriage Knot Workshops cover the same curriculum and experience as The Marriage Knot Intensive but is designed as an 8-week workshop, meeting for 2.5 hours per session.
Taking Marriages from Good to Great
Marriage Knot Seminars are designed to be enrichment programs for couples in a larger group setting and based on specific needs of the group requesting training.